Plant blight
Plant blight

plant blight

Most frequently on tomatoes and potatoes.Infected seed can also be the cause of diseased plants. Once the initial infections have occurred, they become the most important source of new spore production and are responsible for rapid disease spread.

plant blight

New spores are produced the following season and can be transported by water, wind, insects, animals, and machinery. If the infected plants are not removed at the end of the season, the fungus can spend the winter in infected plant debris in or on the soil where it can survive at least one or perhaps several years. Infections are most prevalent on poorly nourished or otherwise stressed plants. The optimal temperature range for sporulation is about coupled with abundant moisture (as provided by rain, mist, fog, dew, or irrigation) is present. After penetration, lesions may form within 2-3 days, or the infection can remain dormant awaiting proper environmental conditions ( and extended periods of wetness). Another 3 to 12 hours are required for the fungus to penetrate the plant depending on the temperature. This disease causes direct losses by the infection of fruits and indirect losses by infection of stems, leaves, and reduction of plant vigor.Īlternaria spores begin to germinate within 2 hours over a wide range of temperatures but at the optimal range of 80☏ to 85☏ it can only take a half hour.

plant blight

Pathogen: Alternaria solani, Alternaria tomatophilia IntroductionĮarly blight of tomato, caused by the fungus Alternaria solani, is perhaps the most common foliar disease of tomatoes in the Northeast and is also common on potatoes and other nightshades. Alicyn Smart, Assistant Extension Professor & Extension Plant Pathologist and Katherine Ashley, Graduate Student, University of Maine.įor information about UMaine Extension programs and resources, visit .įind more of our publications and books at /publications/. Bruce Watt, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Plant blight